Realtime notification of risky activity
and one click to isolate.

Get started for free

Realtime notifications

Notifications and suggested actions when risky activity occurs.

In your workflow

Seamlessly integrate with Slack or Teams.

Easy to understand

Understand what happened, even if you aren't a cloud expert.

Identity-driven context

Quickly understand who did it.

ClearVector notification in Slack

Active response

Take action to isolate and prevent risky activity.

ClearVector notification

Prevent account misuse

With one click, prevent an identity from performing any activity.

Prevent data theft

With one click, prevent anyone from accessing a S3 bucket.

Easy to rollback changes

With one click, rollback changes after verifying the activity.

Identity-driven context

Rapidly make decisions without lengthy investigations.

Rich context

Activity is mapped to identities, minimizing the time to understand the risk and take action.

Built-in expertise

You don't need to be a cloud expert to understand what happened.

Easy pivoting

Quickly pivot to important related information to understand the risk.